Guatemala Finca El Pinal Geisha - Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders

Guatemala Finca El Pinal Geisha

Bag Count: 2 Bags
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Country: Guatemala
Region: Monjas, Jalapa
Varietal: Geisha
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1,500 MASL
Cupping Notes: Sprite™, Pine, Chamomile

Description: Before we get into information about this lot and farm, we just want to note the cup profile here. It’s been a while since we’ve had a super typical washed geisha, with lemon/limey and piney/floral notes - bright, dynamic and super clean. This lot from Finca El Pinal ticks all of those boxes, on the cupping table it was immediately recognizable as a washed geisha, and for us it was the first profile like this from Guatemala (Colombia and Panama are the more well-known for their geisha production). If you’re not quite sure what all the hubbub is about with the Geisha variety, El Pinal Geisha would be a great learning tool for what this variety is supposed to be, and whether it’s your cup of tea or not.

Finca El Pinal, a family-owned business established 22 years ago, is devoted to cultivating esteemed coffee varieties like Geisha, Pacamara, Maracaturra, and Pacas. Prior to its inception, Don Abel spent nearly 20 years providing expert advice and planting over 1,000 hectares of coffee. However, 23 years ago, he seized the opportunity to purchase his own land in a quaint town in Monjas Jalapa, where he wholeheartedly dedicated himself to growing exceptional coffee.

The key to El Pinal's outstanding coffee quality lies in the active involvement of the entire family throughout the process. From harvest to rigorous quality control and meticulous storage, each family member plays a vital role in delivering the finest coffee.

El Pinal is also part of ACOGUA, an association of coffee growers that supports the Pro-blind and Deaf Committee (Comité Pro-ciegos y Sordos de Guatemala), through a health center that offers visual and hearing health services to the community.

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